The Concept Explained

In 2013, Dutch physical therapist Thijs van der Hilst together with United Comfort Industries founded Pillowise, a new concept providing the best possible sleep support. With over 50 years of experience combined, the two forerunners in the sleep specialty business turned the idea of having 'your pillow size' into a concept as commonplace as having 'your shoe size'.

Thanks to their revolutionary initiatives, everyone can have their own custom-fit Pillowise pillow based on their unique measurements. We are proud to have more than 5,000 Healthcare Professionals and Sleep Specialists around the world recommending our great Pillowise products. The innovative algorithm has solved the "finding-the-right-pillow-quest" for so many clients. 

And now we take tailored sleep comfort to your children!

나쁜 자세에 만족하지 마세요

아이의 척추는 분재나무와 같아서, 여러분이 유도하는 방향으로 자라게 됩니다. 

더 높은 압력을 통해, 경추는 앞쪽으로 평평해집니다. 

결과적으로, 척추는 다른 위치로 영구적으로 이동하게 됩니다.

아이의 베개는 너무 높지도 낮지도 않은 것이 중요합니다. 

올바른 높이와 모양의 적절한 베개는, 아이들의 척추 모양에 맞춰지며, 편안하게 부드러우면서 좋은 지지력을 제공합니다.  

아이들의 휴대용 기기 사용이 늘어나면서, 아주 어린 아이들의 테크넥 유발 위험성이 그 어느때보다 높아졌습니다.  

우리의 베개는 경추의 자연스러운 곡선을 따르면서, 아이의 목을 최대한 지지해줍니다. 

The benefits of healthy sleep

Children need proper support during their sleep even more than adults, because their bodies are still in development. Good posture during the day and night, will help prevent issues later in life. With Pillowise Junior, you give them the best possible support, while educating them on the importance of correct posture from a young age!

Children who sleep well also perform better. They are more active, social and concentrate better in school, have better resistance against illness and a reduced probability of obesity and ADHD diagnosis.